During my mentoring sessions, I often come across the question – Is Business Analysis Role Losing Its Shine?
Well, No.
Contrarily, the business analyst roles are getting bigger, more sophisticated and more valuable in recent days. It is challenging for any organization to manage large size change without capable business analyst, program mangers and other key roles.
Change may have different meaning to different individual or group or business. In recent, in highly dynamic business environment, the employees and businesses are required to deal with the changes in business, technology and government or regulatory authorities at faster and effective way.
For example, Asset Management Industry adopted MiFID II regulation in 2017. Indian business faced GST implementation to accommodate newly introduced Good and Service Tax (GST) rule. Another example could be manufacturing companies facing the challenges or re-engineering process that could bring organization wide changes. These are sizable changes. There could be small changes such as updating existing software solution by adding new functionality or updating service delivery process by removing redundant processes etc
Although business change need may be the outcome of internal or external needs, these changes irrespective of small or big in size are required to deliver the value to the business. The business value could be to seize the new opportunity, to prepare for future trends/growth, to prepare for new requirements.
The business analyst as a key change management team member requires every stakeholder to think big and help the organization to create value today and in the future. Every organization requires sustained growth in the face of near constant disruption, and sustained growth requires coping up mechanism of managing continuous change. It’s not enough to win today. You have to be able to continue to evolve in the future.
To know more about business analysis career, please read my book, Business Analysis: The Question and Answer Book

#BusinessAnalysis, #ChangeManagement, #SandhyaJane, #BusinessAnalysis:TheQuestionandAnswerBook, #ANISAN #Career #BusinessAnalyst